
Natural Minerals

Manufacturing Technology Using Natural Mineral Components of Marine Rock Water

EWG Green

Composed of "EWG Green" grade components


EWG (Environmental Working Group), a non-profit environmental group in

the United States, has been working on each cosmetic ingredient. The

analysis is conducted and classed in 10 stages depending on whether

hazardous substances are contained or not.

mobile background

Chemical synthetic ingredients, NO! No harmful ingredients, ZERO!

Artificial pigment / alcohol / artificial antibodies / disinfectants / preservatives / surfactants / CMIT-MIT

"TETHYS is made of highly concentrated mineral ions and purified water"

THTHYS Technology


Separation coexistence without ionic bonds, consisting only of highly concentrated mineral ions that make up deep-sea bedrock water

Production technology using natural mineral compounds (Ca+, Na+, K+, Mg+, etc.)

Hydrogen ions (H+) in water replaced by mineral components (Ion–Exchange)

Alkaline cations are relative to anions (OH-)

Production of high concentration of alkali ion water

Solving the Disadvantages of Existing Deodorant Manufacturing Methods
(colorless, odorless, non-irritating, additive-free preservatives/surfactants/ethanol/flavors)

It can be used for various purposes such as deodorants, disinfectants, and cleaning agents

Core Technology

Highly concentrated mineral ions that can remove sources of contamination by odor molecule deodorization/antibacterial action


An ion highly concentrated ion complex composition comprising an abundant mineral component of marine bedrock water

Adsorption and decomposition of odor causes by chelating complex mineral ions

Eliminate the source of pollutants by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria that secrete odorous substances

Patent registration: antibacterial deodorizing composition [No. 10-2034821]

Cleaning effect

I. Contaminated surfaces

II. Separation of contaminants

III. Removal of contaminants

Surface Attachment of Odor Pollutants

1. Through the ion repulsive force of TETHYS Water, Separation of sources of contamination from surface

2. Sources of contamination by the action of TETHYS Water Start Decomposition

Complete separation and decomposition of the contaminant causes no residual contaminant on the surface


아스티스(주)  대표이사 : 정재훈

Tel. 043-288-2541 | E-mail. | Business number. 843-88-01200

Address. 충북 청주시 상당구 산성로112번길 8, 해문빌딩 5층(용담동) | 통신판매업신고번호 : 2021-충북청주-0248

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